
KD Design & Packaging specializes in custom packaging and utilizes the latest digital printing and cutting technology.

We do things a little different than large-scale box manufacturers to serve you better!

Currently large box manufacturers produce cartons using expensive cutting dies and printing plates, passing such costs on to their clients up front.

For this reason they are not willing to make non-economic short runs or produce smaller quantities. Clients are thus faced with higher boxing costs, in their start-up phase, having to carry a larger than desired box inventory.

What clients really need is lower front-end costs and smaller initial quantities of packaging.

Clients faced with tight competition and very little profit margin, need smaller initial quantities run, and with better quality graphics. With the advancing technology, printers are becoming more affordable and have better quality to produce digital printing directly on corrugation. State-of-the-art cutting tables are getting faster and more precise – producing more in less time, producing short runs to offer the client more options at less cost.



At KD Design & Packaging we work with and represent several of the largest packaging manufacturers in Arizona!